Tencent’s Riot Games recently laid off 530 jobs, which is around 11% of their workforce. While League of Legends won’t suffer much from these cuts, other games under Riot’s banner will see major changes to adjust.

Legends of Runeterra is Riot’s mobile CGC, their answer to Hearthstone. They haven’t been forthcoming with revenue numbers, but it isn’t doing as well as hoped.

“We were always spending a lot more money investing in the game and supporting the community than the game was bringing in…” Marc Merrill–Co-Founder of Riot Games.

Legends of Runeterra is easy to get into because it’s free-to-play friendly. That might be the setback. It’s easy to obtain cards and build the deck you want without spending a Tencent. Pardon the pun.

When discussing the staff cuts, Riot mentioned Legends of Runeterra and Riot Forge, meaning these two projects are the hardest hit. Riot is completely retiring Riot Forge, and they will scale back Legends of Runeterra. The team started small, losing at least sixteen members from there.

Yesterday, Riot released a video on the official Legends of Runeterra YouTube channel focused on the game’s future. They assured us that the game wouldn’t be going anywhere but prepared us for a massive shift in design priorities.

“Players are playing more games in that mode [Path of Champions] than ranked.” Eric Shen-Product Lead, Legends of Runeterra.

In this YouTube video, they announced they would move away from PVP to focus the game on its PVE components, meaning Legends of Runeterra isn’t going anywhere. However, it will change significantly, with almost all its content being single-player.

“This upcoming set that’s releasing soon will be our last set as players currently know them.” Dave Guskin is the executive producer of Legends of Runeterra.

Current Legends of Runeterra players, be ready for a significant shift towards the Path of Champions mode. That’s where the concentration of content will be.

Regardless of these changes, Riot has clarified that we have many more card games to look forward to. It’s just going to be a very different experience moving forward.